Born in Chicago – delivered by a doctor wearing a bowling shirt
Dad brings home, Irving, my yellow Amazon parrot
Discover Charlotte’s Web
Uncle Herb and Aunt Penny give me my first camera: a Kodak Brownie 620
Discover Margaret Bourke White, Dorthea Lange & Life Magazine (clichéd I know)
Dad enforces strict rationing of printing and processing at the corner drug store
Discover Amelia Earhart, Beryl Markham and Isak Dinesen
Rescued from original Breakfast Club by David Curry, my high school photography teacher
Embark on waitressing career to finance art supplies
Discover O’Keeffe and Steiglitz
Win cover of high school arts journal
Irving escapes, later found in neighbor’s garage
Leave high school in January for my first overseas adventure
University major in outdoor activities and mountain sports
Enroll at R.I.T. to study practical things: glass blowing, paper making & graduate studies in waitressing
Discover Lee Miller, Diane Arbus and Frida Kahlo
Summer Fellowship at Penland, North Carolina
Move to wood-stove-heated farmhouse in Vermont for a teaching fellowship at Goddard College
Move to New York for freelance magazine jobs, spot illustrations and collages for Conde’ Nast
Perfected waitressing skills at various Manhattan establishments
Kerig Pope hires me at Playboy Magazine
Bell brags about her granddaughter being "in" Playboy Magazine
Group show at Zolla/Lieberman Gallery
Crate & Barrel, McDonalds, Procter & Gamble, Sara Lee, New York Times…
More travel
Build studio in an old Chicago laundry building
Featured as “Up & Comer” in Art Direction Magazine
Official retirement from waitressing career
More travel
Meet man of my dreams
Discover Nepal with man of my dreams
Join Mayhew Productions, New York to make television commercials
Favorite subject is born, he adapts easily to airplane travel
Irving dies of jealousy
Discover Southeast Asia working for Kodak
Workshops for Kodak, APA, Santa Fe Photo Workshop, Polaroid
Target, Neiman Marcus, Home Depot, Kraft Foods, Ralston Purina…
Join Story Company to make television commercials
Featured In Graphis & Communication Arts
Group show, Carrie Secrist Gallery
Television commercials for May company in Amsterdam and Cape Town
Chicago Project, Catherine Edleman Gallery
Kellogs, Quaker, Alberto Culver, Ace Hardware, Lowes, General Mills…
Solo show at Judy Saslow Gallery
Join the expedition in search of Amelia Earhart to Nikumororo
Solo show at Libreria Galleria il Museo del Louvre, Rome
Join the expedition in search of Amelia Earhart to Nikumororo again!